For over two years, our CEO John has written more than 200 Point Letters about focus, productivity, and spending time on the things that matter. At Lemonly, we’ve taken advice from many of his letters to help us be a more productive company, and feel others could definitely benefit, too.
Point Letter: Focus More On What Matters is a collection of 60 of the best Point Letters into one book. Whether you’re looking for advice and commentary on goals, routines, challenges, success, weight of tasks, or purpose, John has a few thoughts to share with you. Want to download it? Here’s the link.
After you download the book, we have a few to-do’s:
- Read it and please email or tweet @johntmeyer what you think. He’d love your feedback!
- Text, tweet, post, or snap a link to so others can get the book, too.
We hope you enjoy and get as much out of it as we did!