A few years ago in an office only a few blocks away, I started at Lemonly as an intern.
As a college student, I was a stranger to the Sioux Falls design community, and I didn’t have the best understanding of advertising/design agency culture. In my internship, I was taken in by powerful creatives, and my eyes became hungry for good design, a force I knew existed, but a power I needed to develop. I soon realized that designers had different skillsets and I was anxious to understand my own.
Since then, I graduated from SDSU and began working as a designer in Sioux Falls. Over the last couple of years in the professional world, I learned that I am versatile. I love all mediums and being able to cross skillsets is one of my greatest design-oriented joys.
I returned to Lemonly as a visual designer a few months ago, and I came back with a better understanding of my skills. I may not fit into one specialty of design, but the projects Lemonly has given me so far have really accommodated my multimedia skillset.
Since I started back on this team, I’ve been a photographer, cinematographer, video editor, illustrator, animator, and snapchatter. I’ve done anything from producing a video series in which my boss answers anyone’s questions to designing an infographic on the documentary “Making a Murderer.” Each week is a little different with my project variety, which is ideal for me. It feels good to participate in almost every aspect of design working on a wide range of projects.
Take a look at some of my projects here so far:
This was an internal infographic project. We capitalized on the popularity of the show by creating a storyline that depicts the possibility of Avery getting pardoned, while also explaining the U.S. appeals process.
Our beloved neon Lemonly light.