You’re always looking for new ways to tell your company’s important stories. Infographics help you do that with clear content and engaging visuals that turn boring into brilliant, abstract into actionable, and complex into concise.
But creating a polished, effective, bespoke infographic takes time and resources. It’s gotta be worth the effort — and it is (though we admit, we’re a bit biased).
Here’s the thing many people don’t know about infographics: Your infographic doesn’t stop working for you once it’s live on your website. It’s an incredibly versatile, reusable asset that you can get a ton of mileage out of.
You might have one specific use case in mind when starting your infographic, but when it’s finished, your infographic has dozens of uses. As your friendly neighborhood infographic experts, that’s exactly why we wrote this post: to help you make the very most of your infographic.
Without further ado, let’s get to it — here are 70 ways to use your infographic!
Post your infographic in key places
Let’s start with the essentials: giving your infographic a home on the web and promoting it to the wider world.
Publish on your website
Your infographic should have a permanent home on your website where visitors can see it in all its glory. Here are some ways to make the most of publishing your infographic on your website.
1. Publish the infographic on your blog.
Your blog, resource hub, or company’s “about us” page are all common places to publish an infographic. A blog post is a great way to add some context to your infographic with the surrounding content, and it puts your infographic alongside other blog content and resources your site visitors are already browsing.
2. Optimize your infographic page for SEO.
The best infographics will be machine-readable, both for screen readers (hello accessibility!) and for search engine crawlers. Ensure your infographic text is crawlable by publishing it as an HTML page or an SVG. If that’s not an option, we recommend copying the text from the image and pasting it on your infographic’s web page (an accordion block is great for this) so readers and crawlers have another way of accessing the content.
What’s more, Google search rankings are correlated with “dwell time,” or the amount of time people spend on your page. Adding an infographic to a web page is practically guaranteed to make that page “stickier,” keeping visitors on the page longer and improving your SEO rankings.
3. Add internal links to other relevant pages on your website.
Consider where readers should go next after reading your infographic. What other content or web pages do you have that expand on the same or related subject matter? To help site visitors take the next step in their customer journey, link to those places within the surrounding content on the page where you publish the infographic. Plus, adding internal links is good for SEO, too. If your infographic is clickable, animated, or interactive, you can even include links within the infographic itself.
4. Use your infographic to generate backlinks to your website.
Speaking of search rankings, external backlinks are the most important ranking factor for SEO. But how do you convince other website owners to link to your boring text copy? Fortunately, visual content generates more backlinks than any other form of content, so your infographic is the perfect linkable piece for backlink generation. Reach out to relevant blogs and partner websites to encourage them to link back to your infographic page.
5. Link to the infographic on other relevant pages on your website.
Think of all the contextually relevant places across your website and existing content where viewing your infographic is a good next step for your site visitors. Link to your infographic in as many places as possible to help visitors find it at the right point along their customer journey.
6. Use a banner or pop-up to tell site visitors about your infographic.
Roll out the red carpet and give your infographic a bit of fanfare. Call attention to it with a special callout, banner, or pop-up on your website or home page. Let new and returning site visitors know you have a sweet new piece of content to help them learn about your company.

7. Make your infographic a featured post on your blog.
Your infographic should be easy to find on your website. Take up some extra real estate on your blog or other section of your website where your infographic lives. With a larger image, a hooky headline, and prominent placement, you’ll grab visitors’ attention and help establish your infographic as a new piece of pillar content on your site.
8. Use a chatbot to help share your infographic and answer questions about the content.
With a chatbot on your site — Tidio is one of our favorite platforms — you can help direct people to your infographic page or encourage visitors to share the infographic on their own social channels. Even cooler, new AI-powered chatbot tools like Lyro can input your own content and answer questions about your company or topic in a conversational way.
Share on social media
Social media is one of the best ways to get your infographic out there. But sharing your infographic on social isn’t a no-brainer — check out these tips for strategic social media sharing.
9. Post about your infographic on social media.
Make a splash on social media for your infographic’s debut. Your social media followers already know and like your brand, so they’re a prime audience for your infographic. Use the platforms, messages, and post frequency that work best for your social media strategy — feeds, stories, pinned posts, carousels — there are lots of ways to share your infographic. And toss a quick thank you to users who re-share the infographic with their own audiences.
For more, check out our best practices for sharing your infographic on social media.
10. Re-share your infographic multiple times with different messages.
Social media feeds are crowded and fast-moving, so don’t share your infographic just once. Get more mileage from your infographic by sharing it multiple times on social media — a post or two a week for the first month is a good starting point (adjust your frequency based on your social media strategy). Comb through the infographic content to pull some different message ideas for the post copy.
Share the infographic at timely moments throughout the year or key milestones like your company or product anniversary. We love social media tools like CoSchedule and Buffer that allow you to schedule multiple posts for a single campaign at once and vary your posting times.
11. Use different pieces of microcontent to promote the infographic.
To keep your social media posts — yes, posts, plural — from feeling repetitive or stale, use a couple different pieces of microcontent (social media images) for some visual variety. By tweaking the message and visuals to share a fresh angle on the infographic, you’ll appeal to a broader audience and keep your posts from feeling overly repetitive. (Read more about using microcontent from your infographic below.)

12. Encourage employees to share the infographic on their own social media.
The more, the merrier! Chances are your team members are connected through social media with other industry professionals, potential clients, or fans of your brand who are part of your infographic’s target audience. Take advantage of the network effect to help your infographic reach more people — and make your infographic launch even more of a moment with posts from multiple people at your company.
13. Use social media ads or boosted posts to promote your infographic.
A bit of social media spend will help give your infographic launch some extra oomph. Consider a boosted post or ad campaign to help get your infographic in front of its intended audience.
14. Film a short video talking through the infographic.
Add a personal face to your company’s content. Share a short video (think TikTok or Instagram Reels) featuring a member of your team — like a company leader, subject matter expert, or social media spokesperson — talking through the infographic. Use a green screen effect or record your screen to show a preview of the infographic and share a link to view the full piece.
15. Feature the infographic on your social media profiles.
For easy access and extra prominence, pin a post sharing the infographic to your company’s social profile and add a link in your bio.
16. Write a thread sharing key points from your infographic.
Threads of multiple text posts add variety to your feed and allow users to learn more about your infographic while staying on-platform. Write a thread recapping a few of the key points of your infographic (or even going in-depth on one section and adding more context), then link to the infographic in the final post so engaged readers can keep going with the full piece.
17. Post an Instagram carousel with multiple pieces of microcontent.
It’s like they say: Two images (or three or five or eight) are better than one. The structure of most infographics can easily be adapted into a carousel post of several images that share a few points of information in a visual way — and it’s easy to pull several pieces of microcontent from your finished infographic. (More on that below.)
Use your infographic in other digital media
Beyond social media, your infographic is a great asset for marketing tactics like email, native advertising, and other digital media.
18. Display the infographic on video screens in your office.
If you have screens in your office or lobby, like those with rotating announcements or other featured content, your infographic makes a great addition to the display. You can show a scrolling video of the infographic or even repurpose assets from the infographic to create a custom screen background.
19. Share the infographic in your email newsletter.
Your infographic is the perfect piece of content to share in your email newsletter. Use some microcontent to tease the infographic in the body of the email, write a short description to preview the content and sell readers on clicking through, and link off to the full infographic on your website. If a less visual, text-based email is more your thing, use a contextual hyperlink and emoji to grab attention.
(Need inspiration? We feature a new infographic every month in the Lowdown, our email newsletter filled with fresh visual content and tips for fellow designers and content marketers.)

20. Add the infographic link to your email signature.
If you use email, especially to communicate with customers or other people outside your company, adding a link to the infographic in your email signature is a subtle way to promote the infographic with every message you send. We recommend a short, enticing sentence placed below the rest of your contact information — something like, “Need more marketing leads? Check out our infographic for tips.”
21. Feature your infographic through native advertising.
If your marketing strategy includes native advertising, infographics are a fantastic way to amplify this tactic. Visual content stands out in native advertising, so grab a relevant and memorable snippet from your infographic to create a thumbnail image. Add an attention-grabbing title and link back to your infographic page, and you’ve just multiplied the effect of your native advertising.
22. Write a press release or news article directing audiences to the infographic.
For teams that have a more robust corporate communications strategy or regularly work with news outlets, writing a press release or article featuring your infographic can help reach a wider audience. An infographic also makes a great companion piece to a press release or major announcement — it’s an engaging, visual way of sharing what might otherwise be dry or detailed information.
23. Use your infographic as a guest post on a partner site.
An infographic is the perfect piece of content to use in a guest post on a partner site — and it makes your ask for a guest post more enticing, since a polished piece of visual content makes any post more interesting (not to mention all the SEO benefits we covered above). This works especially well if the infographic’s subject matter is relevant to the partner site’s content and audience.
Use your infographic in physical or print media
While most infographics are used digitally, they also work well in a variety of print and physical media.
24. Print a version of your infographic.
Infographics look great online, but they’re also awesome to keep handy in a drawer. You can pass out copies when groups visit your office, tack it up at your desk to admire — possibilities abound. Depending on the size and shape of your infographic, a custom print layout can make your infographic more print-friendly.
25. Send your infographic in the mail.
If you’re regularly sending mail to your stakeholders, put your infographic in an envelope for their enjoyment. It might even resonate with prospects you’re going after better than a cold email would.
26. Create a whole package experience around your infographic.
Go after those dream clients with some account-specific sales initiatives, packaged up and sent directly to those high-value contacts. You can include some printed case studies or white papers, some freebies or swag, maybe some spec work, and (of course) a beautiful copy of your infographic.

27. Post your printed infographic in employee gathering spaces.
Whether the infographic is intended as an internal communication piece or an external resource, a printed version in high-traffic areas can be a good conversation starter for your team and keep them engaged with the content you’re producing in a new way. Our old HQ had many a printed infographic on its walls, so we’re big fans of this approach.
28. Hand out a printed version of your infographic at a conference or trade show.
Infographic-style content sticks. With intentional, skimmable, digestible design, your infographic rises above the usual brochures and price sheets that dominate most booth-based events. Read more about using visual content to make an impression at your next conference or trade show.
29. Make your infographic a pull-up banner for your trade show booth.
Static infographics are traditionally vertical, which makes them well-suited for other vertical applications like pull-up banners for your company’s event booth or other conference-style events. You may be able to print yours in larger-than-life size with little to no redesign needed.
30. Use the infographic as a leave-behind in sales presentations, pitches, or client meetings.
It feels good to leave your client, prospect, or meeting attendees with a beautiful, intentional piece of content in their hands. Your infographic can help reiterate key points and keep your company top of mind after you leave the room.
31. Use the infographic header as an airplane banner.
Yep, we’ve actually done this for a client. Maybe not a useful tactic for every infographic, but pretty darn cool when it does make sense.
Share your infographic with target audiences
Next, let’s talk audiences (maybe even beyond the target audiences you had in mind for the infographic’s “official” use case). Your infographic deserves to be seen by as many people as possible, so share it around! Some of these tips might be case-specific depending on the subject matter of your infographic, but they’ll all get you thinking about the wonderful ways you can encourage people to view your content.
Share with external audiences
Clients, prospects, customers, industry peers — these important folks are all important external audiences for your infographic.
32. Pass your infographic along to prospects before or after a sales call.
Your polished, well-branded infographic is a great way to provide context and build excitement before a sales call or reinforce your key messages and value after you’ve hung up.
33. Send the infographic to your company’s advisory board.
The board deserves great visuals, too. If your infographic includes information that helps your advisors better understand where your company currently is and where you’re going, briefly present it at a meeting or share it with this group via email.
34. Share it with former clients or cold leads to re-engage their interest.
An email with a subject line like “An infographic you might be interested in” is bound to pique some interest. Use the body of the email to tee up the infographic. It’s also a good idea to include a piece of microcontent to encourage the reader to click through to the full thing.

35. Use the infographic for customer education.
Depending on the content of your infographic, it might help your customers understand how to get the most out of their product or service; compare different tiers, packages, or products your company offers; or even develop a stronger affinity for your brand.
36. Offer your infographic in customer support conversations.
Visuals can be vital in a variety of customer support interactions. Your infographic might help explain a process, clear up confusion, answer a frequently asked question, or troubleshoot an issue.
37. Discuss the infographic with peer communities.
If you have a network of other professionals in similar job roles, they’d probably love to see how your organization is using infographic content to tell your story.
38. Show your infographic to job candidates during recruitment communication.
Your infographic might have good information for potential hires, whether it was originally intended as an external-facing resource or internal communications piece.
Share with internal audiences
Infographics are great for internal communications, and your internal audiences will appreciate the intention and polish you put into your message.
39. Announce your new infographic to the whole company on Slack, Teams, etc.
Your infographic launch is a great time for an @channel ping to the whole crew. Unveil the infographic, explain why you made it and how it’ll be used, and give a shout-out to the team members who helped make it happen. For extra visual flair, include a bit of microcontent in your message or record a quick video walkthrough showing your infographic on screen — we love Loom for videos like this.
40. Present your infographic at an all-hands meeting.
For a more official announcement, you might opt to present the infographic at your next all-hands meeting. Show it off, reinforce why it’s important, and coach the team on how they can use it.
41. Post the infographic on your employee intranet.
Especially if your infographic is an evergreen resource or internal comms piece, make sure folks can easily find it alongside other resources and important info on your intranet or internal resource hub.
42. Include the infographic in your internal newsletter.
Highlight your freshly completed infographic in your internal email newsletter. Don’t be afraid of repeated sharing — putting the infographic in front of team members multiple times will help capture broader engagement and cement it as a key resource they can use when needed.
43. Use the infographic during employee onboarding.
An infographic makes a great training resource for new hires for the same reasons it makes a great piece of customer-facing content: Visuals help explain information in a memorable, easy-to-understand way. We’ve made infographics for clients as part of an entire onboarding kit to welcome new employees — a bespoke employee handbook, a fill-in-your-own infographic for introducing yourself, swag items, the whole shebang.

44. Share the infographic as a resource with specific departments.
Depending on your infographic’s content, it might be more relevant to go over it with specific departments rather than your entire team. Teammates in different areas might have ideas you haven’t thought of for how best to use the infographic in their day-to-day work.
45. Use the infographic to educate your sales team as part of sales enablement.
Equip your business development colleagues with everything they need to speak to your offerings’ value, including helpful infographics like the one you have in hand.
46. Share the infographic with company leadership.
It’s possible certain company leaders may have been involved in the feedback or approval process during your infographic’s production. For the ones who haven’t, make sure they know about it (and have a chance to recognize your work in creating some sweet new content for the brand).
Use your infographic to create divisible content
An infographic is a pillar piece of content that can be used to create even more content that adds to your story and helps customers continue their journey with you. This final batch of recommended uses for your infographic is all about divisible content — ways you can add to, slice up, transform, or repurpose your infographic and its assets to create an entire interconnected web of content.
Create supporting content to go along with your infographic
Expand on your infographic or go deeper on the same content (or a related topic) with these additional larger pieces that make great companions to your infographic.

47. Write a blog post.
Infographics are concise, focused pieces of visual storytelling (as they should be!). A blog post allows you to expand on that story in more depth, adding context and detail that enhances your infographic — not to mention helps your SEO and helps score thought leadership points, too.
48. Make an explainer video.
With a completed infographic in hand, you have a set of sweet visuals and copy that’s ready to be used, reused, and added to with extra engaging content. Expand on your infographic with an explainer video that takes viewers on a narrative journey diving deeper into the content. For more, read about how animation adds even more value to visual content.
49. Create a downloadable resource or lead generator.
Create a downloadable resource to go along with your infographic, like a worksheet, template, or guide. Use it as a lead generator to capture interested potential customers. (Note: We don’t recommend gating your infographic, but a companion download is a great way to expand the use and value of your infographic.)
50. Create a quiz or interactive microsite.
Interactivity is a major way to level up your infographic. Microsites, quizzes, or other interactive experiences are great ways to wow your audience with something truly unique. Here are some ways to use interactive infographics.
51. Create another infographic (or a series of infographics).
A common challenge we help clients navigate is narrowing down their infographic topic. Often, a single infographic might not have room for everything you want to say, especially if you’re covering complex topics or want to take customers on a longer journey with multiple touchpoints. Consider using your original project as the jumping-off point for a series. (And then come back to this post to lather, rinse, and repeat these 70 uses with your next infographic.)
52. Record a podcast.
A long-form conversation with a subject matter expert about the topic of your infographic makes a great podcast episode. The audio format also helps expand the usage of your infographic into a completely different medium and broadens your potential reach.
(Check out Lemonly’s very own podcast, Audio Visuals, a totally-serious, definitely-not-a-joke exploration of the world’s best visuals like you’ve never heard them before.)
Slice up your infographic into smaller pieces of content
Bite-sized microcontent helps your infographic go even further. Here are ways you can divide your infographic into pieces to multiply its impact.

53. Make microcontent from your infographic.
Microcontent is a great way to deliver a bite-sized bit of information to your audience in the right place at the right time. It’s a favorite here at Lemonly (we include a couple pieces of microcontent with every infographic). A self-contained section, fast facts, or hero illustration from your infographic can easily be cropped from the full project and posted to social media.
54. Create animated microcontent.
Another favorite of ours — lightweight motion graphics that pack a mighty punch. If there’s a section, character, or data point that really stands out in your infographic, add animation for a wow-worthy social media post.
55. Use the header illustration as your social media profile header image.
Reusing a piece of your infographic as your header image on LinkedIn and Facebook adds polish and cohesion to your visual brand identity. Share it with employees to use on their profiles, too.
56. Incorporate spot illustrations on your website or blog.
If you have access to your project’s working files, you can make use of isolated illustrations, icons, and other visual elements from the infographic. Spot illustrations can be used in a huge variety of contexts, but they look especially great on a web page or blog to add extra visual interest.
57. Create display ads or OOH media from your infographic.
Sections of the infographic with colorful visuals and a short, impactful message are great for reusing in display ads or out-of-home media placements.
Turn your infographic into other content
With the same content and visuals — and just a bit of rearranging and resizing — your infographic can shape-shift into a variety of other formats.

58. Transform it into a trade show banner or display.
Make your company that booth at your next trade show or convention. Use content and visual elements from your infographic to make a bombshell backdrop, banner, or multi-panel display for an eye-catching, informative event booth that’s sure to wow attendees.
59. Make it into a presentation deck.
If an oral presentation is part of your campaign (or a great way to communicate directly with your target audience), an infographic can easily transform into a presentation deck with the content and visuals largely unchanged, just rearranged. Let the structure of your infographic inform the number and order of the slides, using section headings and visual transitions as natural break points.
60. Adapt it into a 1-pager.
With just a bit of trimming, the amount of content in most infographics fits neatly in a two-sided one-pager, perfect for printing as a handsome handout or offering as a digital download.
61. Create a printable brochure.
As with a 1-pager, the structure of most infographics adapts nicely into a brochure format. Headings and bullet points from the original project make for great sections on a trifold, using the panes to create division and hierarchy between sections.
62. Turn it horizontal for a swipeable carousel.
Flip the orientation of your infographic and split into smaller pieces to post it as a carousel or break the mold with a horizontal-scrolling web page. Turning a larger piece into a smaller, swipeable format can make it more social media-friendly and fun to click through. Check out more info about alternative infographic formats.
63. Add interactivity.
Whether you turn the entire infographic into an interactive microsite or simply add a clickable CTA, interactivity is a surefire way to boost engagement. Plus, interactives are able to accommodate extra content thanks to expandable callouts, scrolling carousels, and clickable pop-ups.
64. Update it a year later to keep the content relevant.
Infographics can easily turn into slam-dunk annual projects. If your infographic covers a timely topic or a process that needs a refresh next year, you can easily update the text and retool images to keep it relevant and accurate.
Reuse assets from your infographic in other ways
The visual elements in your infographic are just waiting to be repurposed for tons of unique uses.

65. Make a mural for your office space.
Reuse a hero illustration and a quippy headline to create an eye-popping or inspirational mural for your office. Wall vinyl and peel-and-stick wallpaper make it easy to turn vector illustrations into stunning, room-filling murals (trust us, we’ve done this in our own office). Turn your lobby or conference room into a total moment — all that’s missing is the red carpet.
66. Create a vehicle wrap.
Be it a bus banner or visual van, a vehicle wrap is like a moving billboard. Take your brand to the streets with a custom wrap reusing assets from your infographic.
67. Print custom company stickers or magnets.
Bring new meaning to “sticky messaging” and make sure your team and clients have the sickest water bottles and laptop cases around. Stickers made from infographic illustrations and icons are an easy and fun way to keep your brand top of mind. The same idea works great for magnets as a fun and useful employee or client gift.
68. Score custom company swag.
The icons, illustrations, and patterns that live in an infographic can live just about anywhere. They often make great designs for t-shirts, baseball hats, company-branded bags and backpacks, you name it.
69. Whip up a desktop wallpaper.
Most knowledge workers spend a lot of time at their computers. Desktop backgrounds are a place where a sleek, branded design can show off company pride and add a spark of delight — even on those 30-browser-tabs-open-at-once kind of days.
70. Create branded holiday cards.
Let the creative sparks fly over the Fourth of July or ring in New Year’s in style by reusing infographic assets in custom greeting cards. Reconnect with clients over the holidays with a delightful digital or printed holiday card that carries your cohesive brand identity all the way to their mailbox.
There you have it! A whopping 70 ways to use your infographic. If you’re able to take advantage of even a handful of these strategies, you’ll be making great use of your infographic investment.
And the great news is, Lemonly can do many of these things for you, taking the extra work off your plate while helping you make a meaningful impact where your marketing matters most.
Get in touch with us to get started on your infographic or talk about how we can help you get the most mileage from your visual content. Cheers! 🍋