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Do I need an infographic?

Do I Need an Infographic?

Here at Lemonly, infographics are our bread and butter. But we know not everyone is as familiar with infographics or knows their capabilities as well as we do.

Let’s start with the basics:

What is an infographic?

Well, that depends. Infographics come in many shapes and sizes, such as static images, animations, or interactive sites. But at their core, they all have the same goal—to break down a topic or message into an aesthetically pleasing piece of visual content with a clear, concise message. Basically, infographics tell stories.

Okay, so how do I know if I need an infographic?

Do you want to…

Illustrate complex ideas or statistics?

Infographics are perfect for conveying complicated concepts and data. Whether it’s an annual report filled with usage statistics, an internal HR report about a recent company culture initiative, or a new innovation your company has pioneered, infographics make complex, data-heavy information accessible to your target audience. Combining your data with beautiful visuals can make all those numbers mean something more to readers.

Here are some examples of projects that did just that:

Engage viewers?

People process visuals 60,000 times faster than text, so not only are images easier to understand and remember, people are also much more likely to take the time to look at a well-designed visual piece of content over text alone. Vivid illustrations and concise copy drive viewers to scroll through the entire graphic and, depending on your call to action, engage with your brand further.

We worked with Demandbase to create an ebook and infographics that generated nearly 1,000 downloads and a 960% ROI.

Tell a story?

Everyone loves a good story. Seriously. Our brains are programmed to be more engaged when information is presented as a narrative, and therefore people remember information told in a story format better than lists of facts. Infographics add a bonus visual element to your story that helps the viewer retain and understand your story faster and easier. In fact, eye-tracking studies show internet readers pay closer attention to information-carrying images than other content.

Here are a few of our storytelling infographics:

Create shareable content?

Infographics are designed to be shared. Here at Lemonly, we make sure all of our infographics are created using beautiful visuals paired with well-crafted copy, presented in a neat shareable package. We make sure the content we create is made for optimal viewing on your website and popular social media platforms – trust us, people will want to share it. Or just look at the stats: Tweets with images are 150% more likely to be retweeted than tweets without images, and Facebook posts with images see 2.3 times more engagement than those without.

This zesty bit of microcontent for Mutual of Omaha is a great example of sharable microcontent for social media.

Also check out our case study with Marriott to see how microcontent and interactive infographics helped reach new travelers.

So, do you need an infographic? If you answered yes to any of these questions, you would benefit from the power of infographics. Check out some of our work to see how we use infographics to help clients tell their stories and fill out our handy form here to get in touch with us.

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