It’s that time of year: School supplies fill the shelves of supermarkets, back-to-school clothing ads play on every channel, and there’s even Halloween candy at the grocery store already (which is truly atrocious and should be criminal).
Yep, there’s no denying that summer is coming to a close.
And with that, so are our summer internships here at Lemonly (well, sort of — more on that later). As the content intern, I took on copywriting while Hayleigh, design intern, created some stunning visuals. We’re sad to bid HQ adieu, especially right before the wonderful people we’ve met get ready to move into a new building with their Click Rain friends. But we’re also looking forward to our respective next chapters, armed with the zesty skills, experience, and knowledge we’ve picked up from our time here.
To celebrate the end of SLICE 2022, we’ve got one last blog post for everyone. We’re celebrating some of our favorite projects, what we learned from them, and why we love them.
From Ella and Hayleigh: Happy Houseplants — A Guide for the Botanically Challenged

This project taught us all about what makes Lemonly so sweet. Our intern buddies and biggest cheerleaders, Maddie and Molly, walked us through every step of the Lemonly process as we created this infographic together. We learned why Lemonly takes the steps it does when producing infographics for clients and why that method works so well. As we talked to different members of the Lemonly team about different parts of the creation process, we had the opportunity to put our new knowledge into practice. It was an invaluable experience to get us started on the right path as we continued working throughout the summer.
We went through the ideation and brainstorm phase together as we explored potential topics for our first infographic, during which we discovered a mutual love of houseplants. I laid down some of my first copy, Hayleigh created a wonderful moodboard and illustrated some truly beautiful houseplants, and it all culminated in a project that fills us with pride and joy (even though I had to cut some houseplant puns — how monstera-ous!).
From Ella: Tangled Bank Studios’ Our Gorongosa

This infographic tells the story of Tangled Bank Studios’s documentary film Our Gorongosa, which follows the efforts of Mozambique’s Gorongosa National Park to restore habitats for local wildlife while supporting the people who live in rural communities around the park. The park has focused especially on uplifting women, and it has established programs for girls’ education and assistance for mothers in the park.
This was my first client project at Lemonly, and it was wonderful to work on something so meaningful and impactful right out of the gate. This project also involved a bit of research on the park, so that learning experience helped me with some of my later copywriting work as well. Plus, the design turned out wonderfully. I mean, look at this thing! I feel so fortunate to have spent the summer with such a talented group of people.
From Hayleigh: The Water Cycle for StudySync

This water cycle infographic was created for StudySync, an educational publisher specializing in academic learning products for grades 6–12. This was my first client project at Lemonly, and it really helped me better understand the whole process behind creating a Lemonly infographic. Even though the subject matter immediately transported me back to middle school (*shudder*), I had a great time taking basic educational content and turning it into something more engaging and fun!
Alas, that concludes our final blog post for Lemonly as a SLICE duo and, with it, our summer internship. But fear not, friends! Remember when I said it was only “sort of” goodbye? Well, Hayleigh and I are both stoked to say we’re remaining in the Lemonly Extended Universe for the time being. Hayleigh is stepping into a senior internship so that she can keep turning out stunning designs, and I’ll be popping in and out of Lemonverse as a freelance copywriter as I finish up my senior year at Augustana University.
So while we’re sad to say goodbye to the summer, Lemonly hasn’t quite gotten rid of us yet. We’re both looking forward to a sweet-not-sour future at Lemonly and beyond.