Cheryl LohLast month, we introduced you to Lemonly designer Chris Biewer’s “Cosmic Rage.” This month, we’re going to slow it down a little, from dystopian action thriller to romantic comedy. Let’s meet Cheryl Loh.

Cheryl is a designer here at Lemonly. She’s known for her organization and attention to detail, which may sound boring, but in reality, she has an amazing sense of humor. It turns out she uses her less-than-exciting skills for good, in the form of Quirky Paper Co.

Quirky Paper Co. is, quite frankly, one of the funniest lines of greeting cards you can find on Etsy. Her cards can also be found in 16 stores in the U.S., Canada and the U.K. Let’s hear more from her about this side venture.

You live in Vancouver. What is your favorite part of living in that city?

There’s so much natural beauty with the forests, beaches, and mountains, and I love that we have a pretty mild climate, so there’s lots to do all year-round.

101-c-awesomeHow did Quirky Paper Co. start?

I had recently graduated from university and started working at Lemonly, and realized that I had some free time on my hands. So I started thinking about all the projects I previously wanted to tackle, including being a part of craft sales and setting up an Etsy shop.

I had a bunch of envelopes from when I made handcrafted greeting cards in high school and figured I could put those to use and design a new line of cards. So I signed up for a craft sale (even though I hadn’t made anything yet), and then just starting making stuff!

What is your favorite part of working on Quirky Paper Co.?

Coming up with new ideas and seeing my work in stores.

132-c-levelupgradIs it hard to balance a career and a side business? Do you have any tips?

Yes, it is, but I think it depends on what you want to get out of your side business. Is it more like a hobby, just for fun, and you’re not really concerned about meeting certain goals, or is it more about making a certain amount of income from it? Or is it something you are really dedicated to and you’re actively pursuing certain goals?

If it’s something you are really dedicated to, I think it helps to set aside some time that’s reserved for working on your business — whether it’s a day on the weekend, or a couple evenings per week. Start to notice if you are getting burned out, want a break, or want to change directions. If possible, look for a mentor or find a group of people who are starting a side business, too. It helps to get support.

Do you do all the packaging and mailing, or do you have help for this?

I do all the packaging and mailing myself but if I do get a big order, I do ask my fiancé for help with packaging!

Lemonly people know you are a very organized person. Have you always been this way, or is this something you have learned? Do you have any tips?

Hahaha! Yes… I think I’ve pretty much always been like this, and I think I get it from my mom. I think everyone has their own style of staying organized and a system and tools that work for them. My planner and Google Calendar/Docs/spreadsheets are pretty much how I organize my whole life!

113-c-yourockBetween Lemonly and Quirky Paper Co., you do a lot of designing. How do you stay inspired?

By taking a break. I recall going for a hike one day, and when I came home, I just had so many new random ideas of things to make.

You are getting married soon. Congratulations! Are you designing for your own wedding? Would you recommend this to others? Why?

Thank you so much! Yes, my fiancé and I planned our wedding together, including planning the decor and designing all the stationery. He is a concept artist himself, so it was fun for us to finally collaborate on something together.

I would recommend this only to others if they enjoy the design process and don’t mind doing it on top of everything else they have to plan. There’s a lot going on, so if you just don’t have the time or energy, give it to someone else to do!

What things are you loving these days? (Could be anything from food to office supplies, Netflix shows, etc.)

  • Headspace, a guided meditation app
  • Green tea
  • Smoked salmon sandwiches

Learn more about Cheryl’s cards at, and click the “email me when they’re back” button on Cheryl’s Etsy page if you’d like to pick up a few for yourself when she’s back from her honeymoon.