Where did the time go? It seems like just yesterday I was walking through the doors of Lemonly HQ on my first day, excited more than ever to begin my social media internship.
It has now been a little over three months, and I have learned so much about social media marketing, the importance of Lemonly persona, and how awesome the Lemonheads are. I have learned and experienced a countless number of things, but here are just a few of my favorites takeaways and moments.
My favorite takeaway: Learning how to put myself in the Lemonly persona’s shoes and challenging myself to have a consistent voice and tone on different social media platforms.
My favorite memory: Acting in the remake of an “Office Space” video scene with Michael, Alyssa, and Mike. Kicking and slamming the crap out of our old office printer was absolutely one of my favorite things to be a part of. Channeling my inner badass attitude and whipping out my high-kick skills was definitely worth pulling my hamstring! (LOL, yes, this really happened.)
These past three months have been an incredible and unforgettable experience. Lemonly is an amazing company that creates kickass visuals and has the coolest company culture.
I am beyond thankful for the opportunity Lemonly has given me. I will definitely miss being surrounded by the amazingly talented Lemonheads in the HQ. It’s a little bittersweet, but I am excited to apply what I have learned here in my future endeavors.