Mother’s Day has come around again. A day to help us remember how important and special our moms truly are. A day to show her our appreciation. She is always there for us, and it is far too easy to take her for granted. Her love for us never changes.
Here at Lemonly we wanted to send some extra love to our mamas. Below you’ll see our lemonheads recalling just what they love most about their mom, or a favorite quote that reminds them of their moms. Happy Mother’s Day Lemonhead moms! You rock!
– Chris | Mother: Vicki –
My favorite thing about my mom is her curiosity. She continually tries new things; travel, cuisine and tech. I know she updates her devices before I do. She never turns down a chance for adventure or a chance to learn something new. Happy Mothers Day!
– Morgan | Mother: Mary –
What I love about my mom is that she always sees the good in every situation and has taught me to do the same. I also love that she’s taught me the power of a good glass of wine and some carbs fix almost anything.<3
– Tess | Mother: Jackie –
My favorite thing about her is the unconditional support. Whether I am going through a stressful week or have an easier week, I receive countless calls and texts reminding me that I am loved and supported by her always. She taught me it doesn’t matter what I do, as long as I am happy, but having her support in whatever I do makes being happy a lot easier.
– Alyssa | Mother: Jill –
The only thing I’ve ever wanted to be, needed to be, was a mother. I learned from the best!
– John | Mother: Patricia –
My mom taught me empathy. It’s one of my greatest attributes thanks to her.
– Becca | Mother: Randee –
Whenever I am stressed out about something silly, my mom always says, “The only thing worth worrying about is the sun coming up in the morning.”
– Rachel | Mother: Teresa –
My favorite quality about her is her kindness.
– Amy T. | Mother: Darlene –
She was a mom devoted enough to drop everything she was doing to bring you the sack lunch you left on the counter. She was the mom kick-ass enough to break her hand playing night games with you and your friends. She was the mom selfless enough to give up shopping for herself so that you could have nice, new clothes. She had the biggest smile and an even bigger heart. Her family was her whole world and I was so lucky to call her a mom, and best friend, even if it was only for a short time.
– Connor | Mother: Julie –
“My mother had a great deal of trouble with me, but I think she enjoyed it.” –Mark Twain
– Ryan B. | Mother: Mary Kay –
My mother is single handedly the most impressive person I know.
– Ashton | Mother: Barbie –
My mom’s best quality is that she is extremely giving of her time and resources. It’s often a little joke around our family to be careful what you ask for, because you’ll get it! She’s so thoughtful and cares more about her family than herself.
– Michael | Mother: Karen –
My mom has always had the warmest heart. She cares deeply about everything she devotes herself to, and she loves my sister and me more than anything. I’m happy she passed on her niceness and her stubbornness. They work well in tandem.
– Cheryl | Mother: Audrey –
My favorite thing about my mom is that she’s adventurous and loves to travel.
– Ryan L. | Mother: Luanna –
The best thing about my mom was that she was an excellent listener. She could listen to complete strangers as they gave their life story and she knew what questions to ask so that they knew she cared.
Other mother’s we would like to recognize:
Loni (Josh’s mother), Lourdes (Dafne’s mother), Jay (Amy’s mother), & Elizabeth (Scott’s mother).
Happy Mother’s Day to all the beautiful mothers!