The fourth annual South Dakota Social Media Infographic is here! This summer we took a look at last year’s graphic to determine new metrics that would be interesting and add value. With Instagram’s growing popularity, we decided to incorporate it into the graphic.
Not only can you see how top SD brands compare on Facebook, but this year you can see which brands win the popularity contest on Twitter and Instagram. The rivalries grow when we once again compare the state’s colleges and universities on Facebook and Twitter. The SD colleges and university also duke it out in the Instagram realm. Following brands and schools, see which S”D”-list celebrities have the biggest Twitter followings. Lastly, because it is an election year, we compared the major SD candidates and their Twitter and Facebook followings.
Take a look for yourself to see which great faces and great places made this year’s infographic. Let us know what you think! Feel free to compare this year to the 2013, 2012, and 2011 South Dakota Social Media Infographics.